Friday, February 14, 2014

JAKE- January

'I found Jake shirtless and rocking out on the drums- this kid keeps us laughing! Love our Jakey-boy. Some of his favorite things right now are shooting his finger laser at everyone (he screams SHAKEY!! every time he shoots anyone), talking about a-buzz-a-pizza-ship, he wears his buzz wings everywhere he goes, and jumping on the tramp with Alex. 

One day Alan went to pick Jake up from nursery to find him showing off his buzz undies to all of the nursery girls. 

Jake loves to sit on his rock in the front yard while we wait for the bus each morning.

He wears his wings everywhere!

Jake loves his twice a week swimming lessons!
Can't get enough of his sandbox. 
We sure love this boy. As the older boys say in their prayers all of the time..."we're glad the littles add some spice to our life!"