Wednesday, November 12, 2014

October in Review

We are loving the lush green grass growing in our backyard! Winter lawns are one of the great things about living in Arizona!
Jake is obsessed with donuts. He stuffs them in his mouth as quickly as possible in order to move on to the next one.
Boys dragged out the old chemistry set and had fun with Ben Burton working on some experiments.
Kasey Perkinson and I threw a bridal shower for cute Meghan Thomas! We had a great turnout.
Working on our house plans! Lots of big decisions ahead for us on this front.
Mom and dad had a one night layover on the way home from an assignment in Mexico! We LOVE having them visit!
Poor baby Nate had a nasty fall at the park....we had to reschedule family pictures so he had some time to heal!
Fun treats from the neighborhood Halloween ghost!
Had a wonderful time meeting up with all of the Quinn women who were visiting Lyndsey in Scottsdale for the weekend! I learned so much of what I know about being a mom from Cyd Quinn. So grateful for her example in my life!
McClintock high school had its 50th birthday...we went to the football game to cheer them on.
Jake is so crazy and fun and always cracks me up with the funny things he does...on our way to the gym I noticed he was quite creative in how he put his shoes on!
This boy loves to be in costume! Loved his hair in this picture!
Grandma makes every night fun! Fondue on a SCHOOL NIGHT! The boys loved it.
These are jakes buddies from co-op. 
These boys love to get into jakes crib together!!