Friday, January 02, 2009

New Years Update

SO- Since I don't have time to catch up on what's been going on in our lives, I want to make 2 very important announcements instead:
1. The Cleanse begins again tomorrow. Anyone want to join in the fun? So far 11 people are joining me in the madness. I went to 4 grocery stores today in search of healthy food. Let the fun begin.
2. Registration for the The Camp Pendleton MudRun is open! If you want in, you must register ASAP. It always fills up within 2 weeks. Just FYI, this is one of our favorite traditions, we LOVE the mudrun. It is a great way to stay motivated to hit the gym. If you think you can't do it, you are wrong. If I can do it, anyone can. Join us!


Jen said...

Oh, the MudRun! I want to do it!!

Allison Claire said...

I am doing something similar to the cleanse. But they call it detox, I think it just about the same thing. I am only doing it for a week though, I don't know how you can do it for 21 days!

The Snow Family said...

I would love to be your neighbor and eat everything you are cooking this week! It looks delish. I wish I lived near a TJ's- you've discoverd some yummy things! Good luck with your cleanse.. I am doing a 9 day one- maybe one day I'll get to 21! You are amazing!