Sunday, February 01, 2009

January Stuff

Waiting for the players to come out!
Coyotes vs. Sabres
Don't mind the gang sign Will-Monkey-Batman is flashing.
While Alan and I were cheering our heads off during the various fights that broke out during this game (it was awesome-3 huge fights!), Alex was pondering the meaning of infinity. He said to Alan: Dad, is infinity an even or odd number? Hmmm.
This pic is through the glass but I love Will's expression. The boys have been taking "learn to skate" classes at the new ice rink by our house in preparation for Hockey Tots. Alex has completely surprised me- he is doing so well on the ice. Normally he is very resistant to trying new things- especially any kind of after-school activity. The kid actually has a breakdown if we go anywhere but straight home from the bus stop in the afternoons. His days are long and he works really hard at school and he loves to come home and crash. But we have had a break through with this activity! I pick him up from school, pack a really great snack for the drive to the rink, and he happily puts on his skates and is off to his lesson. This is a HUGE milestone for us. Will loves it too....though he has lost is "drawers" on more than one occasion while on the ice with his instructor. I have yet to capture that on camera. The visual imprinted in my mind, however, will stay with me for the rest of my life. It was a proud moment.

Making Curtis Lou's Booze with Papa. We've had more rootbeer around here than neccesary...but it's finally all gone. And so is January. I can't believe it!!


Sommer said...

Hockey Tots... I'm loving that!

Mark and Maria said...

What a cool sport for your boys!!! I don't know if my boys would be tough enough for hockey! :)
Wow, YW president??? You will be perfect! They will love your energy and you are so organized and creative! My oldest goes into YW next month! Aghhh!!! Crazy, huh? Weren't you one of her nursery or primary teachers when she was four?? Good luck with your new will do great!!
P.S. Are you going to Boston for the conference??

debbie rowley said...

The hockey game looks fun. And I think it is such a smart idea for Arizonians to play ice hockey! A nice cool place to hang out in the summer. Looks like the boy are enjoying the ice.