Sunday, September 07, 2014


Jake always has a sword in his hand these days. He loves Captain Hook and Peter Pan-- he is planning to be Captain Hook for Halloween!

A few things I need to record about Jake at age 3 1/2.

When jake wants to count something he says "two ones, and two ones." And that's as far as he gets.

Jake uses MINE in place of MY. When he asks someone to come over he says, "you want to come to mine house?" It's adorable.

Grandma taught Jake the happy baby pose in yoga. He loves to ask everyone if they will do happy baby with him! He thinks it's hysterical.

When he gets off the buss each day he holds my hand as we walk to the house and talk about his day. I always squeeze his hand twice, then he squeezes back twice. When we get inside, we sit down by the front door on the floor and he shows me what is in his backpack. Everyday he says "I DRAW! TA-DA!" There is no way to articulate the love I feel for this boy when he does this! I would love to find a way to NEVER forget these moments. Love being a mom.