Wednesday, December 12, 2007


For the past week or so, Will has been begging to go the airport. He's heard lots of talk about our upcoming travels, and his patience has worn thin. He wants to go the airport NOW. Today, he looked at me and in a stern voice said, "Mommy, we go to Grampa-mala RIGHT NOW!" I think he's a little confused about our itinerary, but he definitely knows who he wants to see! We head out a week from tomorrow. Let the packing begin.


Hammy said...

Love it! Have a fantastic trip. And if you have time (before or after) I tagged you on my blog.

debbie rowley said...

Ellie is right there with Will guy... the poor things have NO concept of time. So what does not for another week mean to them.... um right NOW! Ellie has already packed up her backpack for the plane ride!