Friday, September 14, 2007

The Champ

This little man has been such a trooper. He has not complained one bit. The recovery is going great. Thank you so much for all of the prayers/calls/emails/cards/emotional support/food. Every last bit of it is so appreciated. We are so proud of our boy, and so hopeful for the outcome. We'll know in about a month how successful everything was. As of Thursday the Doctor says: So far, so good!


Amy said...

That's great news! And what a great pic.

Hammy said...

He looks cool in the glasses. Glad things are looking good.

Juli Chan said...

So glad things went well!!!

Jen said...

We're praying for you, Alex!!!!

Carlos said...

I can really tell this is a Curtis. Hombre Curtis, tu hijo se parece muchisimo a ti!!! Que alegria. Carlos Freire

Carlos said...

I can really tell this is a Curtis. Hombre Curtis, tu hijo se parece muchisimo a ti!!! Que alegria. Carlos Freire

Dr. Joel Henriod said...

Yeah! I can't imagine how overwhelmed you all must be...I'm so glad it's over. Good luck!