Saturday, March 07, 2009

This week

Yes, we went swimming this week. Yes, it's the first week of March and it's hot enough to go swimming. Yes, it was at the Camelback (a fancy smancy resort in Scottsdale) and we had a blast. Yes, my 4 year-old who can swim is wearing a life-jacket because I'm too lazy to watch him.
In other news. while I was making dinner on Thursday Will got so excited about the food that he put his lip up to the pan on the stove and gave it a kiss. Now he has a fairly painful burn on his bottom lip. Boys also had haircuts on Friday... I will post them as soon as I take a picture. Let's just say it's shorter than I intended.


debbie rowley said...

OUCH! Poor Will guy! You have no idea how badly I would love to go swimming right now. It has snowed/hailed for the last three days!

Brooke Hendry said...

Elle went swimming this day as well. But, it was not quite as warm I believe. (69) Luckily, the pool was heated. How do children do this? Yikes!