Sunday, April 19, 2009
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8:45 PM
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 04, 2009
I've felt so behind lately. I often think of the phrase "I'm a day late and a dollar short, and it's okay," because I constantly feel like I'm just trying to pull together what needs to be done that is absolutely necessary and there is just not time for the rest. I've been forgetting about things and dropping the ball TOO OFTEN. The days have been blending into one long day and I haven't done as well as I need to at savoring the moment. I was talking with my mother/sister-in-laws tonight and Caroline was telling us about this quote that a friend of her's had come across when she was a young mother in the throws of young motherhood. It reads as follows:
“Everything in all the books I once pored over is finished for me now. Penelope Leach. T. Berry Brazelton. Dr. Spock. The ones on sibling rivalry and sleeping through the night and early-childhood education, all grown obsolete. Along with ‘Goodnight Moon’ and ‘Where the Wild Things Are,’ they are battered, spotted, well used. But I suspect that if you flipped the pages dust would rise like memories." “…The biggest mistake I made (while raising her children) is the one that most of us make…I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of the three of [my children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages 6, 4, and 1. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.” --Anna QuindlenI want to remember how they smell, because they still smell so good. I want to remember how soft their skin is, because it is still so soft, and they will still let me place my cheek right next to theirs. I want to remember their sweet voices, their chatter, the conversations, their laughter, how their faces look when they sleep and the quiet sound of their deep breathing....I want to memorize everything about them, how they are RIGHT NOW, just stop time and savor it all because I am so in love with them and it is all going by too fast.
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11:25 PM
Easter Cookies with Cousins
While the boys went off to Priesthood session, we headed to Caroline's with all of the kid's to decorate Easter cookies. I had this moment where I realized I will probably frost a lot of cookies in my life, and I will be doing it alone. My boys are just not that interested!
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10:11 PM
April has arrived!
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9:49 PM
Mom & Dad, Nate & Carla, Todd & Jen & family
The day after we were done watching the Brenchley's, half of my family arrived for a visit. My mom and dad came in from Guatemala (my dad's first visit since we moved to AZ), Nate and Carla from Canada, and Todd and family from So. Cal. We had a full-house!! My parents were traveling through en route to conference so we had a little mini-reunion here. I'm horrified that I didn't take more pictures. I think I was just so tired from the week before that I wasn't functioning at full-capacity. We had a great time. We went to spring training, spent a day at the water-park, ate lots of good food, hung out at the park, went on walks, went to our ward's youth service auction (where my fabulous mom purchase massive amounts of babysitting in my behalf- how great is she?!?!), had a picnic with the my Jackson cousins, a missionary reunion for their AZ missionaries, and took them to dinner at our local favorite, Pita Jungle. We also had to introduce them to Ocean Blue, AZ's answer to Pinkberry. My dad spoke in church and taught an amazing combined Priesthood/Relief Society lesson that was so inspiring, and has helped us to make some changes around here. The day after they left we recommited to a family scripture study program and it's been going well. We gave each of the boys their own Book of Mormon and have been reading from it each night. They are interested, attentive, and Alex can read every word so I feel like we have broken down a barrier and we are planning to keep it up. There has been nothing but entusiasm from them. We had a great time with my family and just wish it could be more often and for longer. We love them all so much.
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9:44 PM
Week with the Brenchley's
Caroline called about a month ago with a proposition: I take care of her kids while she goes to Boston/NYC with Paul, and she would return the favor by watching our boys....whenever. I was thrilled, because as many of you know, Alan and I have only ever left both our kids overnight somewhere for more than one night-Once. Last month. When my friend Melinda was nice enough to be on boy duty. I seriously feel incredibly indebted to her for doing that for us. We were beyond overdue for a break from our life with each other. We went to Sedona for 48 hours and I was a different person. Because I can actually be fun and interesting and not-stressed out when I'm not with my kids in our house. Anyway, I was up for the trade. Since they have four kids and a much bigger house we moved in with them and it was so fun and crazy and messy and loud and wild. We got to know their kids so well. There was lots of cousin-bonding and lots of great talks about the details of their lives. They were so great to the boys- Alex and Sam slept in a tent in the basement the whole time and one of favorite memories was listening to Sam read in his "crazy-voice" stories to all of the little kids before bed. It was great and now Alan and I need to get planning--we can finally go away somewhere! Yeah!!
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9:35 PM
Children's Museam
We spent one day of spring break taking the new Light-rail system to downtown Phoenix to check out the new Children's Museum. Sometimes I get so frustrated with Phoenix because they lack so many of the basic things that a big city should have.... I couldn't believe it when I moved here and there was no children's museam!! Anyway, they finally opened one and we had a great time checking it out!
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9:25 PM
Spring Break
Cousin Kate and brother Chandler (and off course mom Sommer) came to AZ for their spring break- it was so great to see them! The kids just jump right in and run with the crowd of AZ cousins like they never left- I love it and I love them. We miss you guys so much. Can't wait to spend more time together this summer.
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9:07 PM