Saturday, April 04, 2009

April has arrived!

Breakfast with the Brower's: They invited us over for crepes before the first session of conference. Melinda is amazing and our children are in love with each other. It makes me laugh because my boys are so into her baby Janie, and they generally have NO interest in babies or girls for that matter. So cute. Melinda bakes cookies each time Will comes over and you better believe she had a plate of freshly baked chocolate-chip-cookies ready for him at 7:30am this morning. Because she is honesly that amazing. We LOVE the Brower's.
Let the birthday celebration's begin: This man is turning 4 on April 5. He is a character and I love and treasure him beyond words.
The entire family came to Will's preschool birthday party. He goes to a Montessori school and they do this darling celebration each time a child has a birthday where the child walks around a candle for each year of their life and the parents talk about things that have happened in the child's life up to this point. It was very important to Will that his brother Alex be there so I pulled Alex out of school and we were all there to support him.
Papa's b-day is just 2 days before Will's so we did a combined birthday party at the park after conference. I was too tired to throw a *real* b-day party this year, but this turned into quite the celebration! I mentioned that I was feeling bad about the lack of party for Will and my family came through for him. Sarah contributed a pinata, Caroline made goodie bags, Julie made the cake....and we had ourselves a big feast and a fun time at the park.


Melinda said...

I am so glad the party went well. And we love the Curtis family. I don't know what I will do when we do not live so close to one another. Thanks for coming over yesterday and I am more than happy to make cookies for my boys Will and Alex....They will have to be our surrogate boys until we have one of our own. :) I couldn't think of two cuter boys to make cookies for! :)

Stacey said...

Happy Belated birthday, Will! Looks like it was a fun party.

debbie rowley said...

Will guy is getting way too big! Can you just tell him he needs to stop growing! It has been too long since I have seen those cute boys.