Thursday, September 07, 2006

A word about strip malls...

I've never been a big fan of the "strip mall." This probably has something to do with growing up in a small town in the northeast where most stores were mom and pop shops, and our Main Street is as quaint as they come. You know, the kind of place where everybody knows your name. Just imagine a Norman Rockwell painting: that's New Canaan. I grew up in a picturesque town, and that's what I like. There is something so mundane, so common, so uninteresting about strip malls. They are all the same: fast-food, a dry-cleaners, walmart, etc. etc. Imagine my dismay when the decision was made for our family to move to none other than strip mall HEAVEN. That's all they have here in Arizona, strip mall after strip mall after strip mall. The first week or so it was physcially painful for me as I drove around from strip mall to strip mall doing my errands. That is until I discovered my local Walmart SUPERCENTER. This is not just any Walmart, no, it is even bigger then a Superwalmart. This place is like a small city inside four walls. Where else on earth can you do all of the following under one roof: buy food for your family, purchase clothing shoes underwear diapers and socks, grab a bite to eat at Subway, mail off packages and letters at the US postal service kiosk, have your hair colored and cut at the salon, have your family photos done, get a manicure, have your car tires rotated and the oil changed, purchase grass for your yard, have your eyes checked and glasses made, and purchase Halloween costumes for the entire family?? And those are only the things I have discovered! I have yet to make it around the entire store. I might be able to get used to Arizona after all.


mindy said...

I don't know you I don't think. I am friends with Kristine Crosby and there was a link to your blog on her page, so I checked it out. I lived in New Canaan when I was little and so did my cousins so I thought I would ask what your maiden name is. I lived there in 88-89 and my maiden name was Clawson. My cousins are the Hutchins. But I know exactly what you mean about New Canaan. I love it there and we just moved from Hartford where West Hartford had the same small town. But now we live in Utah and there is something to be said for convenience and low prices. My blog can be found at if you want to respond.
Mindy Perschon

The Snow Family said...

I am with you! I don't think there is anywhere like New Canaan in the entire country! It's such a special little town! But I have to say, when I was last there strolling along Elm Street with my 2 boys strapped in their Maclaren double, I quickly realized that I couldn't fit through any shop doors and spent the entire hour walking up and down the cobblestones, just looking through the windows! So... as cute as it is, with two kids, it's just not practical when you need to actually shop! So...Thank goodness for Target and SuperWalmart and stripmalls I guess!! It's the stage we're in!

the New Mom said...

Oh sweet little Christie! Welcome to the wonderful world of Walmart...where all of your dreams can come true....well most of them anyway.

And might I remind you that while most of the shops on Main Street in New Canaan were cute, quaint little shops...there was a Baskin Robins.....and thank heavens for that....otherwise our little Lisa might never have met Lou!

(PS...your family is darling! Now give your husband the camera so that I can see pictures of you too!) xoxoxAmy