Sunday, August 12, 2007

Alan's Epiphany

After a long Sunday that included 3 hours of church and a lot of crying/whining/fighting/general discontent from the younger half of our family, Alan looked at me and asked if I ever felt the way he was feeling right then. I looked at him and assured him that on a regular basis I feel that way. His response, in a most serious tone, "Thank for you for not beating our children."


Josh said...

I love it! I love when our husbands get a glimpse of our world. Of course there are sweet and tender moments throughout the day but there are some days that those moments are few and far between.

I miss you Christie!!!!

Amy said...

Before I had kids, I thought, "How could anyone beat their children?" Now that I have one, I think it's a miracle that more people manage not to, especially after 3 hours at church. Whose idea was that, anyway?

Sidenote: no, I don't beat my kid, and yes I have a testimony.

TX Girl said...

Shut Up- HILARIOUS. If it makes either of you feel better- my girlfriend's husband said that after having his own child he understood why people shake their children. He is a pediatrician. Yes- I realize he was kidding, but I felt so much better as a parent. I consider him a trained expert.

Cardalls said...


I've definitely been there. Instead of your polite way of putting, I say something along the lines of I'm making an appointment for a vasectomy or something.