Friday, August 24, 2007

Baby of mine

Historically this little boy has taken at least a 3 hour nap everyday. This week: he refused, 3 days in a row. Which means that he has been ready for bed by 5 pm each night, and our whole schedule is out of whack, as is my sanity, which can be directly linked to my afternoon break from this child. He needs the rest, I need the break, big brother is at school, it's been a beautiful thing. Cut to today: we are back on track. Down by 1pm. I shouldn't hear from him until at least 4pm. Does he look too big to be in a crib? That whole big boy bed thing? Not happening until he climbs out...which he has yet to try. I love this boy. Sleep well baby.


debbie rowley said...

Oh he is too cute. Who is the new creature he is sleeping with? Good luck with keeping Will on the napping track!

Jen said...

I love it! I say we never let go of our "Baby Wills"!!!

Christie said...

Sister, meet Zippy. Our newest family member is a stuffed monkey that is very loved by Mr. will.

Amy said...

Ah, nap time! I hope my kids take naps until they're at least 27, because I sure have.