Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Blog

So I'm pretty sure I talked a couple of you into creating a blog by telling you why I keep ours up. And the reason is because I la-la-la-love the idea of having a place to record what's been going on with our family, the everyday events and the funny comments the kids make etc., and when I found out that you could have a blog printed into a book (like a textbook and in color!!) I was hooked. There are, of course, other good reasons for our blog: it is the best way to stay in touch with long-lost friends who are far away, and even more important for me, it's a way to keep my mom and dad involved in our life, since they are off in far-away lands.
So. I've had a few of you ask me recently what company I have used to print our blog, and the fact of the matter is that I haven't had it printed yet. I'm planning to do it on a yearly basis, starting at the end of this year. But I wanted to put up the info. that I have looked at, since ya'll have been asking. Let me know if you know of a better option then the ones below!
http;// the don't do blogger blogs right now but supposedly will be doing them soon. (use this if you want to print the blog yourself)


Erin said...

This is SUCH a great idea, especially since I neglect journaling, baby-book keeping, and scrapbooking all. Formatting the blog entries for print on my own has been a pain, and I didn't know there were services to have them professionally printed. Thanks for the tip! My only problem now is that some of these don't do private blogs, and ours is password-protected, but it sounds like they might work on that.