Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The big day came and went- Halloween 2007

Spiderman refused to pose for pictures- this was the best we could get...
... while Will-the-thrill actually accommodated us tonight. Make-up credits go to Alan, and I must say, it was no small task.
Oh, the brotherly love.
Tasting the goods.
Tomorrow Alex is turning over his candy to me, in exchange for a much-desired "Clifford Learns to Read" Leapster game. I know in the past I have put up a huge fuss about any and all video-games, but I'm following doctors orders with this one. I feel good about my kid begging for a reading game. Especially when he's willing to turn over his entire Halloween loot in exchange.


Taylor said...

I'd go for the reading game too -- good work. :) Your kids are darling, as always. Good work as makeup artist & pumpkin carver, Alan.

The Snow Family said...

What a clever trade idea! Looks like Halloween was a hit! Great costumes...

Juli Chan said...

Good idea with the game bribe. Our kids got to keep a small portion of their candy, and got money for the rest. The funny thing is that Nicki hasn't even looked at her candy once today, so I'm thinking it'll be gone by tonight.

Emily Busath Murdock said...

Is it just me or did Will grow up overnight? All of the sudden he doesn't resemble a baby at all! I just can't get over it. What cute boys you have!!

cathy said...

Your boys are getting so big and are so cute! I love that they are buddies, at least it looks that way! miss you!

Catherine M. said...

What a great idea to have the kids buy a goody with all their candy. I'm making your dinner in a pumpkin right now! Miss you!