Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another great day!

Eillie and Will eating grilled salmon and vegetable couscous for dinner.
Highlights of the day: having 2 out of 3 dressed (Alex insisted on staying in his camo-jammies) and checked into the gym childcare by 8 am, a playdate with cousin Catherine who joined us for a trip to the neighborhood park, chowing down on pizza, hot dogs and lemonade at Costco, both babies napping for over 2 hours at the exact same time, more time at the "bigger park" (as Alex calls it), and the best part of the day- on our way to Target, I had all three of them singing "woo-hoo, woo-hoo" right along with Gwen Stephani who was belting out Sweet Escape. Such a great day.


debbie rowley said...

I can't imagine what time the crew woke up this morning if you were at the gym by 8 am! Sorry sister! I am so proud of you for making it to the gym with all three. I hope maybe that gives you a little relief for at least an hour.. right? I can't believe Ellie colored seven pictures! I love that she has just blended right in with your kiddos... even singing right along... I can imagine it perfectly! :) Unbelievable that they napped at the same time! By the way I LOVED the picture of Ellie on the trike.. I need a copy of that one! Love you! Deb

cathy said...

seriously, could Will be any cuter? He just gets more handsome the older he gets!!