Friday, December 22, 2006

Salas Making Party

Julie(Alan's mom)- the queen of salsa at work
Papa and Will- they match!

Tonight we had a salsa making party at Alan's parents house. I didn't snap a picture of all of the salsa we made- but it was a lot! Enough for 3 families to give to neighbors and family members and friends, plus more for us all to eat over the next couple of days, since the tamales have landed and you can't eat tamales without Julie's salsa! Of course the boys had so much fun at Nana and Papa's house that they were both crying as we dragged them to the car an hour past their bedtime. Now the fridge is stocked and we're ready for Christmas weekend to be here.


Anonymous said...

Your "neighbor" could be anyone really, so when do we expect our salsa? How fun that you guys are near family and always get together to do things. I can't wait.

Jen said...

Sounds so fun! We miss you!!

Alan said...

Juli- If I could, I would bring you some! The stuff is delicious!!