Monday, December 04, 2006

December already??

Posing with his classmates.
Warming up the vocal chords...
Making sure Santa knows what's on his list.
I can't believe it's December already! I feel so behind, and we're only in week one! The tree is not up, there are no carols playing in our house, there is much shopping to be done and many packages to send off.... there is so much to do!!
The preschool Christmas programs is over, and went off with out a hitch. Alex participated when he felt like it, and the rest of the time was seen staring off into space. He enjoyed his time on Mr. Claus's lap- and stated very articulately what he is expecting Christmas morning-which should make my shopping easier. I must admit I shed a tear watching my boy perform tonight... the time is flying by, and I'm so proud of him and love him more than I can say.


debbie rowley said...

Oh my goodness.... Alex is the cutest little man ever! He is so grown up! I loved the pics!