Sunday, January 14, 2007

Playing T-ball in the Cold

Alex working on his batting stance with Coach Prussia.
Standing on first!
Most exciting moment of the game: post-game snack.

Alex's friend Parker played T-ball last season and had a great time, so his mom asked us if we wanted to join the team. Of course Alan and I were so excited and jumped at the chance. The first practice went pretty well- Alex had a great time running around with the kids and made some nice hits as well. Last Saturday was the first game: NOT so successful. Alex cried the entire time. Alan actually spent a good portion of the game holding Alex in the outfield. Granted, it was unusually cold for Arizona so he was shivering, and he had never actually been to a t-ball game before so the routine was foreign to him, but Alan and I went home very discouraged and wondering if he was ready to be involved in an organized sport. We talked about it a lot over the past week, asked him if it was something he wanted to do and if he could decide to be a team player. Alex kept telling us "I want to do it! I love t-ball! I won't cry!" As we headed to the game on Saturday he was all smiles. I bundled him up in 4 layers of clothing (it was again strangely cold on Saturday!) and filled him up with hot chocolate. Total success! He had a great time playing and we were, of course, so proud.


Juli Chan said...

How cute is he!

debbie rowley said...

I can't believe Alex is old enough to play t-ball! I am sure you were so proud of him! I love the fact that the snack after the game was the highlight! He is so cute!

debbie rowley said...

PS. Where is the grass?