Monday, January 15, 2007

The Cardalls have arrived!

Some of our best friends from our years at UCLA, the Cardalls, are in town! Tonight we hit an Alan and Seth favorite, Native New Yorker, for wings. We were sitting there with our four kids and Alan said, "Who would have thought 5 years ago that we'd be sitting here with 4 kids between the four of us." I think it was Seth that commented back, "I'm not surprised about the kids, but I am surprised that we're sitting in Arizona." We are doing some heavy recruiting this week, hoping we can convince the Cardalls to settle here in AZ when Seth is done with his residency in a couple of years. On the agenda for later in the week... searching for sites for "The Compound" that Alan and Seth have been planning since the first year of dental/medical school. We're so glad they are here!


Taylor said...

So funny. I'll never forget the night we were driving to Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium and I asked where you guys were going to settle. From the fired-up conversation that followed, I would have never guessed AZ would win either!

Erin said...

You guys are Visitor Central around there! A definite perk of Arizona living, sounds like. Smart move having the Cardalls visit in the winter. :)
I love how in this picture the Dads each have two hands free to devour their wings, and the Moms are both tied up with kids all over. Native New Yorker is a favorite of Randy, his friends, and all our teenage nephews out there. What is it with guys and wings? Wish we could visit with you! What a bunch of cute kids.